Hon’ble Mr. Justice Tarun Chatterjee
Ex :
Judge, Supreme Court of India
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Tarun Chatterjee
Tarun Chatterjee, B.Sc., LL.B. – was born on January 14, 1945. He was enrolled as an Advocate in 1970 and practiced in the High Court in Civil, Criminal and Revenue cases. He was appointed as a permanent Judge in the Calcutta High Court on August 6, 1990.
Joined the Bar in the year 1970 and started practising in Calcutta High Court on Appellate jurisdiction and dealt with Civil and Constitutional matters.
Appointed Judge in Calcutta High Court on 6.8.1990
Took oath as Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court on January 31,2003.
Married to Kumkum Chatterjee. His Lordship is son of late Hon'ble Mr. Justice Purshottam Chatterjee, former Judge, Calcutta High Court, who was also Senior Advocate in the Supreme Court of India. Shri Digambar Chatterjee, who was Judge of Calcutta High Court during the period of British Government was great grand father of His Lordship. Following his foot-steps, is son Shri Aniruddha Chatterjee practicing Advocate at Calcutta High Court.
Appointed Judge of Supreme Court on 27th August, 2004.
Retired on 14th January, 2010 (F/N).