State Profile SIKKIM ( सिक्किम )



Patron in ChiefHon'ble Mr. Justice Biswanath Somadder
Executive ChairmanHon'ble Mrs. Justice Meenakshi Madan Rai
Executive Chairman
Member SecretaryMr. Jagat Bahardur Rai
Member Secretary
Address & Contact Details
Sikkim State Legal Services Authority,Development Area,Gangtok, East Sikkim - 737101.
Phone : 03592-207751/207753
Email :
Total No. of DLSAs Total No. of TLSCs Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs sanctioned Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs appointed
4 6 0 0
Categories 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
SC 48 32 26 28
ST 115 79 121 117
BC 20 - - -
Women 371 308 356 384
Children 35 44 25 33
In custody 344 499 348 238
Persons with Disability - 1 0 0
Industrial Workmen - 0 0 0
Transgender - 0 0 0
Victim of Traffincking in
Human Beings or Begar
- 0 0 0
Victim of Mass Disaster
Violence, Flood, Draught
Earthquake and Industrial
- 0 0 0
General (whose annual
income does not eceed
the prescribed limit)
- 40 84 111
Others 158 70 22 49
TOTAL 1091 1073 982 960
  2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Programmes held 413 434 470
Persons attended 15165 13708 19711
  Colleges / Universities Villeges Community Centers Courts Jails JJBs For the people of North-East Others Total
No. of Legal Services Clinics 3 12 7 3 2 4 0 0 31
No. of persons visited 22 502 161 476 928 288 0 0 2377
No. of persons provided legal assistance 8 340 13 215 165 10 0 0 751
National Lok Adalat in 2018
Dates Pre-litigation Post-litigation Total
10.02.2018 53 29 82
22.04.2018 32 20 52
14.07.2018 8 21 29
08.09.2018 15 16 31
08.12.2018 33 6 39
Total 141 92 233
52 Nil 52
Years Applications received directly by Legal Services Institutions (A) Applications / orders marked / directed by and Court (B) Applications received including COurt Orders (A+B) Applications Decided Applications Pending Compensation Awarded in (Rs.)
2016-17 0 5 5 0 0 2000
2017-18 0 1 1 0 4 0
2018-19 0 0 0 0 0 0