Hon’ble Mr. Justice P.Sathasivam
Ex : Chief Justice of India
Hon’ble Mr. Justice P.Sathasivam
P. Sathasivam, B.A., B.L., - born on April 27, 1949.
Enrolled as an Advocate on July 25, 1973 at Madras.
Practiced in all types of Writ, Civil and Criminal matters, Company Petition, Insolvency Petitions, Habeas Corpus Petitions both on Original and Appellate sides of the Madras High Court.
Worked as Government Advocate, Additional Government Pleader, Special Government Pleader in the Madras High Court.
Also worked as Legal Adviser for several State owned Transport Corporations, Municipalities, Nationalized Banks etc.
Appointed as a permanent Judge of the Madras High Court on January 8, 1996.
Transferred to the Punjab & Haryana High Court on 20.04.2007.
Appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 21.08.2007.
Retired on 27.04.2014 (F.N.)