Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.M.Punchhi
Ex : Chief Justice of India
Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.M.Punchhi
Madan Mohan Punchhi
Father's Name : Late Shri Nand Lal Punchhi, Advocate.
Date of birth : 10th October, 1933.
Born at Pakpattan, Distt. Montgomery now in Pakistan.
Permanent Address : 160, Sector-8A, Chandigarh.
Educational route : Early schooling at Sacred Heart School, Amritsar. Late Schooling at Arya High School, Pakpattan.
After the partition of the country, on migration to India, settled at Ferozepore, joining D.C. Jain College for further studies. Graduated from D.A.V. College, Jullundur. Obtained a Law Degree and Certificate of Proficiency from the Department of Laws, Delhi University in the year 1955.
Experience : Joined the legal profession in his father's Chambers at Ferozepore in the year 1955. After practising for three years at Ferozepore where he had a stint of all types of work, he shifted to set up practice in the High Court of Punjab at Chandigarh in the year 1958. Had the occasion to do Civil, Criminal, Revenue, Land Tenures and Writ matters at the High Court level for 21 years. In this interval, remained for some time a Part-time Lecturer in the Law Department, Punjab University, Chandigarh, as also to be Standing Counsel for the Chandigarh Administration. Remained a Rotarian also in this while. Was appointed an Additional Judge for two years on 24.10.1979 in the High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh, which term was extended from time to time till be became a permanent Judge on 16.12.1982. Became a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 6.10.1989. Appointed as Chief Justice of India on 18.1.1998. Retired on 9.10.1998
Family Life: Happily married to Meera Punchhi - has two married daughters, one married to a practising Lawyer and other to a practising Chartered Accountant, both living at Chandigarh - has two sons, one studying M.B.A. abroad and the other pursuing his law studies at Chandigarh.