Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.M. Ahmadi
Ex : Ex Chief Justice of India
Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.M. Ahmadi
Date of birth : 25.3.1932 at Surat (India)
Appointed Judge, City Civil & Sessions Court, Ahmedabad in March, 1964. Appointed Secretary to Govt. of Gujarat, Legal Department in June, 1974. Appointed Judge, High Court of Gujarat on September 2, 1976.
Worked as Chairman of: Advisory Board under Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974, Advisory Board under Prevention of Black Marketing, and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980, Gujarat State Third Pay Commission; and Also worked as a Member of the Ravi & Beas Waters Disputes Tribunal under the Rajiv-Longowal Settlement (Punjab Settlement). Appointed Judge, Supreme Court of India in December, 1988.
Worked as President, Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee in 1989 and as Executive Chairman, Committee for Implementing Legal Aid Schemes in India from Ist November, 1990 to 24th October, 1994. Elevated as Chief Justice of India w.e.f. the forenoon of 25th October, 1994. Patron-in-Chief for Legal Aid Schemes in India
Retired on 24.3.1997.