State Profile RAJASTHAN ( राजस्थान )

Patron in Chief Hon’ble Mr. Justice Maninder Mohan Shrivastava
Executive Chairman Hon’ble Mr. Justice Pankaj Bhandari
Executive Chairman
Member SecretarySh. P.K. Mathur
Member Secretary
Address & Contact Details
Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, Rajasthan High Court Building, JAIPUR - 302005.
Phone : 0141-2227481
Email :
Total No. of DLSAs Total No. of TLSCs Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs sanctioned Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs appointed
35 181 35 35
Categories 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
SC 647 1937 2800 1332
ST 757 1889 2156 568
BC 693 - - -
Women 561 2239 3961 2888
Children 33 1282 2420 1278
In custody 2378 3678 5714 4375
Persons with Disability - 296 484 266
Industrial Workmen - 12 213 182
Transgender - 0 0 0
Victim of Traffincking in
Human Beings or Begar
- 1 49 0
Victim of Mass Disaster
Violence, Flood, Draught
Earthquake and Industrial
- 0 2 0
General (whose annual
income does not eceed
the prescribed limit)
- 1410 1381 763
Others 1043 2566 2871 2580
TOTAL 6112 15310 22002 142321
  2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Programmes held 12120 16054 18301
Persons attended 1092280 1506537 1483597
  Colleges / Universities Villeges Community Centers Courts Jails JJBs For the people of North-East Others Total
No. of Legal Services Clinics 69 7012 103 228 97 33 1 1080 8623
No. of persons visited 5050 209983 4499 10770 12519 0 0 43731 286553
No. of persons provided legal assistance 4764 177011 3364 9109 12143 0 0 39892 246283
National Lok Adalat in 2018
Dates Pre-litigation Post-litigation Total
10.02.2018 43494 17034 30528
22.04.2018 8923 15901 24824
14.07.2018 10129 26059 36188
08.09.2018 6956 19590 26546
08.12.2018 8252 39283 47535
Total 77754 117867 165621
1028 Nil 1028
Years Applications received directly by Legal Services Institutions (A) Applications / orders marked / directed by and Court (B) Applications received including COurt Orders (A+B) Applications Decided Applications Pending Compensation Awarded in (Rs.)
2016-17 758 508 1266 1379 650 148961500
2017-18 864 550 1414 1288 746 197349000
2018-19 1295 777 2072 2170 674 276523750