State Profile MAHARASHTRA ( महाराष्ट्र )

Patron in ChiefHon’ble Mr. Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya
Executive Chairman Hon’ble Mr. Justice Nitin Jamdar
Executive Chairman
Member SecretaryShri Sameer S.Adkar
Member Secretary
Address & Contact Details
Maharashtra State Legal Services Authority, 105, High Court, PWD Building, Fort, MUMBAI - 400032.
Phone : 022-22691395, 22691358
Email : ,
Total No. of DLSAs Total No. of TLSCs Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs sanctioned Total No. of Full time Secretaries of DLSAs appointed
34 305 34 34
Categories 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
SC 434 408 733 952
ST 125 130 338 475
BC 144 - - -
Women 2742 2794 5674 9388
Children 107 156 317 1072
In custody 2343 2514 4030 5548
Persons with Disability - 36 181 249
Industrial Workmen - 6 25 84
Transgender - 20 19 0
Victim of Traffincking in
Human Beings or Begar
- 0 2 0
Victim of Mass Disaster
Violence, Flood, Draught
Earthquake and Industrial
- 0 0 1
General (whose annual
income does not eceed
the prescribed limit)
- 893 1734 2613
Others 1330 735 1126 883
TOTAL 7225 7692 14219 21265
  2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Programmes held 5263 7335 6933
Persons attended 418073 752941 650266
  Colleges / Universities Villeges Community Centers Courts Jails JJBs For the people of North-East Others Total
No. of Legal Services Clinics 104 404 32 57 41 37 8 137 820
No. of persons visited 1067 6065 800 2147 4835 3532 8 1766 20220
No. of persons provided legal assistance 881 2361 442 1420 3857 1919 0 1021 11901
National Lok Adalat in 2018
Dates Pre-litigation Post-litigation Total
10.02.2018 118262 28714 146976
22.04.2018 246371 44985 291356
14.07.2018 115612 34067 149679
08.09.2018 82223 18481 100704
08.12.2018 97666 22244 119910
Total 660134 148491 808625
450 1035 1485
Years Applications received directly by Legal Services Institutions (A) Applications / orders marked / directed by and Court (B) Applications received including COurt Orders (A+B) Applications Decided Applications Pending Compensation Awarded in (Rs.)
2016-17 79 63 142 84 98 6616100
2017-18 93 60 153 81 160 7855000
2018-19 114 43 157 104 211 7770000